Peace, Unity, and Purity?

Reflections on the Theological Task Force Report

Media Information:

Categories: Booklets & Journals.
Author(s): Campbell (Cynthia M.), Ray (Richard A.), and Sheffield (Thomas C.).
Publication Dates: 2006.
Publisher(s): Geneva Press.
Subject(s): Biblical authority and interpretation and Fostering community.
Format(s): Booklet Bound.

Copies in the Resource Center:

  • POV205
  • Summary:

    From the Publisher’s Note:
    The Theological Task Force on Peace, Unity, and Purity of the Church was created by the 213th General Assembly (2001) in a denominational context of polarization.

    In the pages that follow, you are invited to engage this process of consideration via the ruminations of three leaders of the church. It is my hope that these essays will prove edifying as you contemplate the task force report and endeavor for yourself to come to terms with its conclusions. It is also to be hoped that these essays will contribute to the broader conversation across the PC(USA) about the peace, unity, and purity that are so urgently needed in the Presbyterian Church.