A Sacred Trust

Boundary Issues for Clergy and Spriritual Teachers

A Sacred Trust

Media Information:

Categories: Book Collection and Video Collection.
Publication Dates: 2008.
Publisher(s): FaithTrust Institute.
Produced by: FaithTrust Institute.
Subject(s): Clergy - Professional ethics, Self-care, and Sexual ethics.
Format(s): Booklet Bound, DVD, and Spiral Bound.

Copies in the Resource Center:

  • POV Video SAC
  • Summary:

    Four Part Program and Facilitator’s Guide

    A Sacred Trust is a four part DVD training curriculum available as a part of the Teaching Healthy Boundaries 101 & 201 Training Kit. The goals of this fundamental boundaries program are to:

    • Increase awareness of the need for healthy boundaries in the clergy-congregant or teacher-student relationship
    • Provide clergy, lay leaders and teachers with guidelines for appropriate boundaries and self-care
    • Illustrate strategies to sustain a safe, healthy church
    • Define boundaries and why they are important