
A Generous Orthodoxy

A confession and manifesto from a senior leader in the emerging church movement, A Generous Orthodoxy calls for a radical, Christ-centered orthodoxy of faith and practice in a missional, generous spirit. Brian McLaren argues for a post-liberal, post-conservative, post-protestant convergence, which will stimulate lively interest and global conversation among thoughtful Christians from all traditions. In a sweeping […]

All Through The Night

Nighttime signifies many things. Apart from the rest and refreshment that sleep brings, the night can be a time for gazing at the stars, dreaming, and loving. For some, it might mean keeping vigil when tending to the very young or sick. For others, it might mean working so that others may rest peacefully. For […]

An Introduction To The New Testament

Every generation needs a comprehensive, reliable introduction to the New Testament that opens the biblical text to the novice. Raymond E. Brown’s An Introduction to the New Testament is the most trustworthy and authoritative guidebook for a generation seeking to understand the Christian Bible. Universally acknowledged as the dean of New Testament scholarship, Father Brown is a […]


In this latest and most accessible work from church historian, futurist, and best-selling author Leonard Sweet, church leaders will discover the leadership arts that are essential in today’s ever-changing culture. The author provides thought-provoking yet practical skills that will elevate the scope of ministry from mere survival of daily challenges to thriving in today’s culture! […]

Book Of Common Worship, 1993 edition

This ambitious undertaking gathers in one volume all the important elements of the seven Supplemental Liturgical Resources to provide orders of worship and liturgical texts for each Sunday, for every festival and season throughout the year, plus Baptism, the marriage ceremony, daily prayer, funeral and pastoral liturgies, and more.

Book of Common Worship, 2018 edition

This useful volume includes everything church leaders need for Sunday worship, the Christian year, the sacraments, and pastoral and occasional services, such as ordinations, weddings, wholeness services, and funerals. This revision adds brief passages of practical commentary before each section and service, as well as more guidance for those who pray spontaneously or compose their […]

Bridging Divided Worlds

Bridging Divided Worlds by Jackson W. Carroll and Wade Clark Roof — two experts in the field of contemporary religion — presents a comprehensive study of generational dynamics within congregations. Their groundbreaking work analyzes the crucial role the generations play in reshaping the American religious landscape. Throughout the book the authors examine current religious and […]

Christianity For The Rest Of Us

For decades the accepted wisdom has been that America’s mainline Protestant churches are in decline, eclipsed by evangelical mega-churches. Church and religion expert Diana Butler Bass wondered if this was true, and this book is the result of her extensive, three-year study of centrist and progressive churches across the country. Her surprising findings reveal just […]

Death Of The Church

The Church has a choice: To die as a result of its resistance to change, or to die in order to live. Change pervades today’s world. Change has always been part of the social landscape: predictable, rhythmic, and generational change. But today another kind of change upsets all our predictions and securities: chaotic and unpredictable […]

Disaster Spiritual Care

This essential resource for clergy and caregivers integrates the classic foundations of pastoral care with the unique challenges of disaster response on community, regional and national levels. Offering the latest theological perspectives and tools, along with basic theory and skills from the best disaster response texts, research and concepts, the contributors to this resource are […]