Rehoboth Celebrates in August

On Sunday, August 18th, we will celebrate Rehoboth’s 184th birthday and the 51st anniversary of Pastor Hainer’s ordination to the gospel ministry as a teaching elder.

The service will be at 10:30 am, instead of the regular time to accommodate those who may be traveling for the service.

This will be a joint service with the Laconia and Valley City Presbyterian Churches with their pastor, CRE Sharon Kutz-Mellem, assisting in the service. Following worship, we will adjourn to the Fellowship hall for lunch, provided by our Rehoboth cooks, with dessert provided by Laconia and Valley City. We will mark Pastor Hainer’s ordination milestone with a few remarks (all positive, he hopes).

We invite all our members, current and former, our friends and neighbors, and our Christian brothers and sisters from all our community churches to come and celebrate with us.

Rehoboth Presbyterian Church
4990 Rehoboth Rd SE
Laconia, IN
(off Route 11 between Elizabeth and Laconia)