The Presbytery of Ohio Valley News and Announcements

Assembly Report – March 29th 2014

What Happened At Assembly

Bloomington United, March 29, 2014

Carol McDonald led our worship by preaching in the morning and celebrating the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper in the close of the day.  Carol is our retiring Synod Executive.  As a part of her retirement process she has been visiting each presbytery in the Synod.  One of her life long forms of ministry has been a commitment to Camp and Conference ministry.  POV presented her with a scholarship in her honor for a camper at Pyoca for the next five years.

Hospitality from United Presbyterian was wonderful as always.  The new interim pastor, Mitch Coggin welcomed us to United.

Olivet Administrative Commission reported a proposed settlement of the law suit that has gone on for several years.  The settlement was approved, but later in the meeting needed to be opened again as business.  A final negotiation of  a precise dollar number was assigned to a commission named in the meeting.  This matter should be complete and settled by the next Assembly.

PYOCA the new acting director of Pyoca reported.  He is Mike Davis.  Mike reported on current and projected activity at the camp.  He was welcomed, for his first meeting at POV.

Administrative Commission at Charlestown was appointed by Council and reported to the Assembly.  This is the second AC in the last two years.  The provision of the appointment centered on conflict in the congregation and the inability of the session to manage the situation.  This administrative commission will for a period simply act as and for the session of the church.

Reports from Committees and Officers of the presbytery.  The normal reports and information of commission and committees were offered.  As usual, the Treasurer report included per capita and mission giving.

Larry Jackman, Stated Clerk