
By John Calvin

Dr. Kerr, in his short biographical sketch, but mainly in his discriminating selection of Calvin’s letters, treatises, addresses, prayers and even a hymn, brings the religious genius of Geneva to life. Outstanding here is the very heart of Calvin’s legacy to Christendom: Institutes of the Christian Religion.


John Calvin (1509-64) was a key figure in what we now call the European Reformation; but his influence extends to the twentieth century, most notably through the theology of Karl Barth. Outstanding as biblical scholar, preacher and practical Church reformer, Calvin intended all his work to be service of the Word of God. Although couched […]

Reformed Reader (Volume 1)

This excellent resource presents short, meaningful selections from major Reformed theologians of Europe, the British Isles, and America during the classical period of 1519-1799. Arranged thematically according to major doctrines, the book identifies significant theological points, illustrating both the distinctiveness and diversity of Reformed thought.

Reformed Reader (Volume 2)

This volume demonstrates a central conviction of the Reformed tradition – that theology must honor the historic witness of the church as catholic while being faithful to the new tasks of the present-day church. It offers selections from Reformed theology, creeds, confessions, and church documents of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.