
Transforming Church Boards

Olsen presents a bold vision of leadership – one that offers church board work as an integral part of congregational leaders’ faith experience and development. Discover inspiring, practical ways your board can make its meetings become opportunities for deepening faith, developing leadership, and ultimately renewing your church.

We Believe

A newly revised edition of a helpful study guide that assists Presbyterians in understanding the creeds of the church. Updated to include an analysis of ‘A Brief Statement of Faith’, which became part of the Book of Confessions in 1991, this book is used in the training program for church officers of the Presbyterian Church […]

When Better Isn’t Enough

Many sociologists and a growing number of church scholars have noted that we live in a time of transition – from the modern era to the postmodern. Whenever a shift of this magnitude occurs, it leaves all of life, including the church, in flux. We instinctively strive to stabilize the situation by re-establishing what has […]