
Beyond The First Visit

Does your church put out the ‘Welcome’ mat or the ‘Do not disturb’ sign? We all like to think that our church is the friendliest one in town. But do visitors see it that way? Church consultant Gary L. McIntosh invites you to take another look at your church through the eyes of a first-time […]

Ending With Hope

Ending with Hope grows out of the understanding that although closing a congregation is in many ways about dying, it can also be about new life. Closing a congregation does not have to be about failure but can be about redirecting resources for new ministry. Contributors represent eight denominations and include more than a dozen pastors, […]

The Church And The Dechurched

‘Dechurched’ people are those who have lost a faith they valued or left a faith community because of a bad experience. They are our coworkers, classmates, family members, even church members, whose wounds make it difficult for them to trust the church or in many cases even to believe in God. This trailblazing book is […]