
The Distinctiveness of Presbyterianism (Series)

This is a video-taped study of a Continuing Education event at the Presbyterian School of Christian Education in Richmond, VA. The class discussions — ten hours’ worth — have been edited into segments that could be used for group discussions in many different setttings in the church, and the study guide is designed to help […]

The Presbyterian Hymnal Companion

This helpful resource provides extensive information about each hymn in The Presbyterian Hymnal (1990)–background detail about hymn origins, publication history, authors, translators, composers, and arrangers. Stories about some of the hymns are also included. An excellent handbook that supplies information useful for a variety of purposes.

The Presbyterians

In a brief, narrative survey, Balmer and Fitzmier trace the history of the Presbyterian tradition, from its roots in Europe to its manifestations in contemporary America. The six chapters cover the European origins of Presbyterianism; the growth of Presbyterianism in the Northern and Southern states during the nineteenth century; and the development of Presbyterianism in […]

The Psalter

Psalm settings for cantor, chorus, and congregation; principally presented in close score. Prepared by the Psalter Task Force for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and the Cumberland Presbyterian Church.

The Wolf Shall Dwell With The Lamb

A multicultural conference has convened. Everything is in place, and the participants arrive brimming with goodwill and even better intentions. Surely this time…! But, no. Halfway through the meetings, communication grinds to a halt, and people retreat to the safety of their own groups. What happened? And how can we keep it from happening again? […]

When A Leader Falls

With one in eight pastors admitting to having an affair, sexual sins among those in church leadership positions rightfully assume their place as one of the most dangerous and devastating issues facing Christendom today. And while a great deal of attention is given to the restoration of a fallen pastor or leader, almost no attention […]