
200 Years of Presbyterian Women

Presbyterian Women have a mission, a voice, and a place in the church. This video is an introduction to the history of Presbyterian Women, which began 200 years ago when women had no role outside the home. Two centuries after the first Presbyterian women gathered to pray and donate their hard earned pennies to the […]

Antagonists In The Church

Antagonism exists in the church. It leaves in its wake broken lives: people who are hurt, discouraged, and apathetic. Although only a very few persons are antagonists, these individuals have the potential to disrupt and even destroy a congregation’s mission and ministry. In this balanced and practical book, Kenneth Haugk shows how congregational leaders can […]

Encounter In The Spirit

Books on dialogue are often abstract. They deal more with the theory than the practice of dialogue. Here is a book that describes how dialogue actually takes place, and what results when it happens. Birmingham in England is a multi-racial and multi-religious city. Among its population are a considerable number of Muslims. A group of […]

God’s Gifted People

The Bible talks about many kinds of gifts. One gift so obvious it is often overlooked is the gift of our own personhood, our own unique personality. God intends that each of us be a gift to others. What are the different kinds of peronality gifts that God gives? How can we better understand the […]

Spirituality And Liberation

In Spirituality and Liberation Robert McAfee Brown foremost theologian and author of Saying Yes and Saying No and Unexpected News, confronts a dilemma that has plagued Christians for centuries: the separation between the spiritual and the temporal, between prayer and social involvement. After a searching examination of the two spheres, he outlines a new vision […]

Theological Turning Points

In a single vlume Donald K. McKim traces the historical and systematic development of eight major Christian doctrines from the early centuries to the present. Clearly written and amply documented, his introductory handbook features primary sourves and extensive endnotes. He covers: the Trinity, Christology, Ecclesiology, Anthropology, Soteriology, Authority, the Sacraments, and Eschatology; concentrating on the […]