Rest and Renewal Grant

Rest and Renewal Grant Application

Rest and Renewal Grants in the Presbyteries
of Ohio Valley, Wabash Valley, and Whitewater Valley

Through a generous gift from the Frank and Laura Smock Foundation, the three presbyteries in Indiana are able to offer rest and renewal grants of up to $2,000 for ministers and commissioned pastors serving congregations in one of the presbyteries, as well as those serving as chaplains.  Affirming the importance of rest, we echo the tenets of Trisha Hersey’s manifesto that “rest is resistance” from attempting to live at a machine’s pace (The Nap Ministry). We offer these grants as an opportunity to set a new pace, begin a new or renewed practice of self-care, and embrace a theology of rest that is supported throughout scripture.

Pastors and chaplains are invited to apply for funds to be used for any reasonable and renewing purpose.  Grants can also supplement other funds for sabbatical support or simple rest and renewal for a period of time. Ordinarily, grants are to be used in the 2023 calendar year.

Grant recipients might simply take time off to “go to a quiet place” (Mark 1:35), or pool funds with colleagues to rest and renew friendships and spiritual practices. Pastors could supplement their planned sabbatical funds or they could use a grant to care for their bodies, minds and spirits by taking up a new hobby, for coaching for health, leadership, spiritual direction, or some other pursuit that would encourage wholeness/shalom.  We encourage our pastors to be creative and thoughtful in applying these grants to whatever would support physical and spiritual rest and renewed energy for the joys and challenges of ministry in these times.

To apply for a grant, please complete the application below. When you hit the “submit” button, all three of us will receive the completed application. We will review them, and notify you by email, usually within two weeks.

If you have any questions, please contact your presbytery leader.

Susan McGhee
Presbytery of Ohio Valley

Jennifer Burns Lewis
Presbytery of Wabash Valley

Erin McGee
Presbytery of Whitewater Valley


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