
A Singing Faith

From the Preface Faith is meant to be sung, and hymns are for the singing of it. Some say that hymns are a greater influence on one’s personal theology even than sctripture or teaching or preaching or family or friends. I believe this is also true of the influence of hymns on our collective theology […]

Alive To God In Jesus Christ

Alive to God in Jesus Christ not only presents an accessible way to nurture our intellectual and spiritual understanding of Jesus Christ, but we are also challenged to explore ways that our faith is lived out in our lives and in the world. Dr. Small brings to life the depth and breadth of our Reformed understanding […]

Book Of Common Worship, 1993 edition

This ambitious undertaking gathers in one volume all the important elements of the seven Supplemental Liturgical Resources to provide orders of worship and liturgical texts for each Sunday, for every festival and season throughout the year, plus Baptism, the marriage ceremony, daily prayer, funeral and pastoral liturgies, and more.

Book of Common Worship, 2018 edition

This useful volume includes everything church leaders need for Sunday worship, the Christian year, the sacraments, and pastoral and occasional services, such as ordinations, weddings, wholeness services, and funerals. This revision adds brief passages of practical commentary before each section and service, as well as more guidance for those who pray spontaneously or compose their […]


Jack Haberer is not willing to believe that the church has reached an impasse, irretrievably divided into two parties. Rather, he defines five GodViews that, among other things, shape the way Christians relate with one another today. Haberer believes that a unity that consciously embraces a diversity of convictions holds the best hope for the […]

Holy Is The Lord

In this resource, worship planners will find the work of many of today’s leading composers. This collection is a unique blend of music ranging from classical, traditional, and chant, to global, African-American gospel, and praise genres. Some settings will be more accessible to smaller congregations or those just beginning to use service music, other settings […]

Joy in Singing

From the Foreward by Jane Parker Huber ‘Language shapes our thinking. This has been stated before, and in recent years especially, has been effectively demonstrated in sociological, theological, and personal terms. Many people, however, resist the idea that words are all that significant. But, as Christians we are a people of THE WORD, and therefore, […]

Lift Up Your Hearts (Leaders’ Edition)

The Leader’s edition features written-out accompaniment for all songs, including parts for various instruments where suitable, as well as suggestions for tempo and interpretation. It has been designed for congregations that want to introduce contemporary music into worship while maintaining theological integrity and musical excellence.

Peter And Paul

Excerpt from the introduction We see in Peter the change he underwent from having a narrow, parochial perspective to having a great vision for the world. The turning point was in Joppa, where Peter received the vision that Gentiles did not have to become Jews first. This threw open wide the doors of the church. […]

Presbyterian Beliefs

This book introduces the major beliefs of Presbyterians. It is written nontechnically to provide readers with a clear discussion of what Presbyterians believe about key theological topics. It is arranged according to three broad headings: the God Who Reveals, Creates, and Guides; the Christ Who Saves People like Us; and the Church, Where Faith Begins, […]