
Being a Welcoming Congregation

Designed to help congregations practice hospitality and become truly welcoming congregations. It has training models for “Making People Feel Welcome”, “Greeters in a Welcoming, Hospitable Congregation”, “Ushers in a Welcoming, Hospitable Congregation”, as well as ways to identify areas that need improvement.

Beyond The First Visit

Does your church put out the ‘Welcome’ mat or the ‘Do not disturb’ sign? We all like to think that our church is the friendliest one in town. But do visitors see it that way? Church consultant Gary L. McIntosh invites you to take another look at your church through the eyes of a first-time […]


Like you, church consultant Andrew Weeks knows there is never enough time to get everything done, especially in smaller churches. So, he created this action-oriented “how-to” manual whose encouraging and incremental approach will help even small groups get started quickly. As you begin to implement his recommendations for reviewing existing programs and developing new initiatives […]