Report on Clergy Recruitment and Retention

to the 216th General Assembly (2004) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

Media Information:

Categories: Booklets & Journals.
Publication Dates: 2004.
Publisher(s): Presbyterian Church U.S.A.
Subject(s): Presbyterian Church - Clergy.
Format(s): Booklet Bound.

Copies in the Resource Center:

  • POV1126
  • Summary:

    In the spring of 2003, the Board of Directors of the Board of Pensions commissioned a Task Force of its Clergy-Directors to review literature, statistical studies, and other materials with respect to the recruitment and retention of clergy for the pastoral ministry, specifically ministry in and with the local congregation… We, along with other General Assembly agencies, are dedicated to helping build church leadership, especially pastoral leadership, for now and for the future.