
Ordination And Authority

As Presbyterians we find ourselves in a place of enduring contention as to who should be ordained without a clear conception of why we should be ordaining anyone. And if we are unsure of the nature of ordained ministry, we certainly will be unclear as to how the ordained exercise authority. Because we live in […]

Presbyterian Leadership

From the Introduction: […] Out of our experience we want to share some deeply held convictions about the gifts that our Presbyterian tradition has to offer to the renewal of leadership in our church. We believe that we need a leadership revolution at every level in our church, and that the resources for that renewal, while they can well […]

Stepping Out in Faith

This resource tells the stories of nine smaller membership congregations that have stepped out in faith and experienced transformation. These congregations demonstrate that change is possible even with limited resources and support. Spiritual discernment, changing demographics, pastoral leadership, and church building issues are all addressed. Discussion questions follow each story and the resource concludes with […]

The Church Of Facebook

This timely release explores the community-altering phenomenon of social networking sites and what it reveals about friendship, God, and our own hearts. With hundreds of millions of users, social networks are changing how we form relationships, perceive others, and shape our identity. Yet at its core, this movement reflects our need for community. Our longing […]

Transformation Study Series

This DVD contains a series of five Bible Studies for your use in a series of session meetings, or a retreat, or a series of meetings with a Long Range Planning or Visioning Committee, or in any other way that seems appropriate to your setting. The intention is that each session might take your group […]

Trusted Voices

Rediscover the voices of 25 Reformed women whose stories have been discarded or suppressed. According to Karay Tripp, many people are unaware of the rich history of female mystics and spiritual leaders in the Reformed tradition. Karay Tripp concentrates on women whose narratives have been neglected or forgotten, giving us back these stories and inspiring […]

Unbinding Your Soul

Has your church finished the Unbinding Series and asked Are there more prayers? and Where do we go from here? Or have you heard about the Unbinding Series, but not sure if you want to jump in just yet? Unbinding Your Soul is a collection of 40-day prayer journals to be used as either an […]