
Study Guide For The Re-Forming Tradition

This practical resource will assist individuals and adult groups in church school classes, sessions, and retreats by clarifying some of the major themes of each chapter in The Re-Forming Tradition. Study helps for the other volumes of The Presbyterian Presence: The Twentieth Century Experience series are also included. The writers offer excellent suggestions to spur […]

The Meaning of Mystery

The Meaning of Mystery: Baptism and Communion introduces the Reformed understanding of the sacraments – Baptism and Communion. The purpose of this two part video is to assist adults and youth in exploring the meaning of the sacraments in the Reformed tradition. Appropriate forms for celebrating the sacraments are demonstrated.

The Pluralistic Vision

This valuable book examines the results of research on theological education in the twentieth century, spiritual formation among seminarians, and the changing nature of Presbyterian-related colleges. Several essays review Christian education among Presbyterians, focusing on the forming of curricula for church schools, the use of scripture in Presbyterian curricula, and the publications from denominational presses. […]

The Re-Forming Tradition

This book challenges American Presbyterians to remember their calling as Christians. The authors believe that Presbyterians are summoned to a character of life that will awaken and address the religious questions of today with powerful and persuasive Christian perspectives and answers.

Transforming Leadership

Prepare to meet challenges that will require extraordinary versatility and competence with Transforming Leadership. [This book] provides the knowledge, skills, and tools for developing leaders; leaders who will become agents of critical development in their organizations. It offers a structured opportunity for self-assessment and self-development.

We Belong To The Land

Nominated several times for the Noble Peace Prize, world-renowned Palestinian priest, Elias Chacour, narrates the gripping story of his life spent working to achieve peace and reconciliation among Israeli Jews, Christians, and Muslims. From the destruction of his boyhood village and his work as a priest in Galilee to his efforts to build schools, libraries, […]


Like you, church consultant Andrew Weeks knows there is never enough time to get everything done, especially in smaller churches. So, he created this action-oriented “how-to” manual whose encouraging and incremental approach will help even small groups get started quickly. As you begin to implement his recommendations for reviewing existing programs and developing new initiatives […]