Memorial Services for Jane Parker Huber

Jane Parker Huber

Media Information:

Categories: Video Collection.
Publication Dates: 2008.
Subject(s): Biography and Huber (Jane Parker).
Format(s): DVD.

Copies in the Resource Center:

  • POV Video MEM
  • Summary:

    This DVD is the recording of the memorial service held for Jane Parker Huber on Saturday, December 13, 2008 at the Hanover Presbyterian Church in Hanover, Indiana.

    Excerpt from the Presbyterian News Service (Jerry L. Van Marter):

    Born to missionary parents in China, Jane descends from a long line of Presbyterian leaders. She has served as interim program coordinator for Presbyterian Women, as well as on the PC(USA)’s Council on Women and the Church, Joint Committee on Women, Social Justice and Peacemaking Ministry Unit, and the General Assembly Council.

    She has been recognized as a “Valiant Woman” by Church Women United and in 2002 received the PC(USA)’s “Woman of Faith Award.” For many years, she was recognized as a respected sage through her regular column, “Ask Jane,” in HORIZONS, the magazine for Presbyterian Women.

    She was probably best known for the scores of hymns she wrote to familiar tunes. Her “Women of Faith” citation states: “Jane Parker Huber’s creative renderings of “fresh words to familiar tunes” have inspired Christians to sing hymns with expansive, gender-inclusive language and rethink all of the images used for God and people.”