Core Values: Creating the Culture of a New Congregation

Media Information:

Categories: Booklets & Journals.
Author(s): Denison (Chuck).
Publication Dates: 2000.
Publisher(s): Presbyterian Church U.S.A.
Subject(s): Church development - New.
Format(s): Booklet Bound.

Copies in the Resource Center:

  • POV222 Copy 2
  • POV222
  • Summary:

    From the Introduction:

    A new church begins with a dream. Whether it begins with a presbytery commission or a group of residents, somewhere the dream is born. As the dream matures and starts to take shape, a pastor is called and charged with the responsibility of developing a handful of people into that dream church. Gradually, leaders emerge and the congregation grows. It is important that they share the same dream, the same values and vision of what this church is to be and become.