Assembly Registraton

2024-11 Registration

Registration for the 11/21/2024 10:00am ET Assembly (Online)

Completion of this form is essential to attend the Assembly.
It is also used to inform us if you need to be excused from the meeting.

If you have already registered, and want to make a change to your registration please do not attempt to submit a second registration. Send an email message about the change to Rhonda at

The link for the meeting will be sent to you by email once we have processed your registration.

Please make sure to register before 6:00pm EST on November 20th. If you register after that time, we cannot guarantee your registration will be processed before the meeting begins.

The best way to participate online is to use a computer (desktop or laptop) with a camera and microphone, a tablet, or a smartphone. Tablets and smartphones will need to have the Zoom app installed. Computer users install the Zoom desktop application. While it is also possible to participate in the meeting solely by telephone (calling in), those who do so will not have access to video, and will not be able to access the voting capability.

If you need information about how to use Zoom, indicate that in the form below and Rhonda or Stephanie will be in touch with you. (Please note that on the day of the Assembly, they will not be able to provide individual support.)

The packet will be available for download on the assembly webpage as normal.

If you have questions regarding the assembly, please call the presbytery office at (866) 344-7853.

If attending online, the Zoom link will be sent to this address.
If you will be calling into the meeting, enter the phone number you will use.
I am a

* Minister members of presbytery are those: serving as pastor, co-pastor, or associate pastor of a congregation in the presbytery; engaged in a validated ministry; honorably retired; member at large; or a temporary member of presbytery.

** Members by Reason of Office are: Ruling Elders serving as an officer of the presbytery, trustee, or a member of the presbytery council.

*** Corresponding members are ministers or ruling elders in good standing in other presbyteries or councils of the PC(USA), or another Christian Church, and who have been invited to sit as corresponding members during the meeting. They have the right of voice, but not of vote.
If you need to change how you are attending the meeting after you've registered, send the request to
How will you connect to Zoom?