An Opportunity to Study the Proposed Government Documents

The full text of the meeting announcement is on the South West Cluster Newsletter page.

  • If you would like to study the proposed new government documents together in a study group please respond to
  • Gathering date & time will be at First Presbyterian, Mount Vernon at 12N CDT (bring a sack lunch) on Wednesday September 29 and also on Monday October 4th at 6pm CDT (bring a sack supper)
  • This is not a cluster meeting but an opportunity w/in the cluster structure

Anyone from any cluster is welcome to join the group.

An Update regarding the timeline of voting:
Council, acting on Monday (September 13, 2010), has changed the vote day for this Overture to the March 2011 Assembly.

Also, we will have an opportunity to study, reflect and seek each other’s wisdom before the Assembly in December.  That will be in the morning, and not a part of the Assembly itself.  It will be an added feature for our day.  At the March Assembly we will hold a formal vote on this and on all other Overtures except for the Belhar Confession—that vote will continue to be scheduled for June Assembly.